Sprint Rubric
Scrum Planning (20 points)
Each team is provided with the Feature and Story details (including Acceptance Criteria or Definition of Done (DoD)) along with the respective Priority. In Sprint Planning, you as a Scrum team would have decided which stories to include in a Sprint. The PBI include a Target for the Sprint to set reasonable goals for the course. It's your responsiblity as a Team to transfer the PBI into VSTS, Committing each PBI to the targeted Sprint. You Sprint Planning responsibilities include the decomposition of Stories into Meaningful Tasks that a Right Sized; Meaningful tasks describe the task in such a way that convey the actual intent while Right sized tasks in the business world span less than 8 hours so that each can be completed in at least a day and to aid in tracking actual progress.
- PBI Decomposition into tasks (10 points)
- -2 for each PBI that should have been decomposed further into meaningful and/or right-sized tasks
- Task Assignment and Tracking (5 points)
- Quality of Burndown Chart (5 points)
Completeness/Correctness (30 points)
- Included Stories and level of Difficulty (15 points)
- Each Sprint has a set of targeted PBI and each PBI is weigthed (each can be fairly easily identified as simpler or more difficult than the others). Completing all targeted stories (Status = DONE) earns the maximum 15 points. Points are reduced based on the difficulty of those PBI not marked as DONE.
- Completeness of DONE PBI (up to 15 points)
- The starting value here is the score from the "level of Difficulty". Points are reduced by the percentage of "Incompleteness" of the evaluated PBI [failures in meeting the Acceptance Criteria]
Code Quality/Refactoring (40 points)
- Implementation Quality (35 points)
Including but not limited to:- -2 for each class with poor readability
- -2 for each class with low cohesion
- -2 for each class with high or tight coupling
- -1 for each class that is too long
- -1 for each method that is too long
- -1 for each method with too deep of nesting
- -1 for each case of overly complicated, redundant, or unnecessary code
- -1 for any other significant code smell not deducted from the list above
- Amount of Code Analysis warnings (5 points)
- -1 for each multiple of 10 warnings detected. Warnings accumulate quickly when not tended to quickly and correctly.
Teamwork (10 points)
- 100% team contribution (5 points)
- -1 for each non contributor
- Code Reviews (5 points)
- -1 for each missing review
- -1 for comments lacking meaningful or constructive remarks